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The Ascension of Christ
On Being the Patient People of God
Evangelicals before Evangelicalism
The Person of Christ - God with us
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Deaconess Margaret Rodgers. A woman in a man's world
Living in a Multiverse - A Guide for Christians
By love to them, I cease loving of thee. Michael Wigglesworth
In Search of a Perfect Father - The Beauty of the Doctrine of God
Deep Roots - A beginners Guide to the Doctrine of the CofE
The Church's One Foundation - What orthodoxy means and why it matters
Creation, Cross and Everlasting rest.
Howard and Dorothy Mowll - Global Anglican Pioneers
Scarf or Stole at Ordination? A Plea for the Evangelical Conscience
Anglican Elders -Revised & expanded edition
From Barebones to Old Bones. John St Nicholas (1604-1698)
Reformation Anglicanism. Essays on Edwardian Evangelicalism
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi
Together in Love & Faith? A response to the Bishop of Oxford
Prophetic Preaching