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Bishops - a concise study
The English Reformed Tradition. Its distinctives & Worth
Spiritual Practices of the Puritans
Defend, O Lord - Confirmation according to the Book of Common Prayer
Biblical Bishops. James Ussher's Defence and Reform of Anglican Polity
Simeon Pack
The Development of the Canons.
Christianity and Craft Freemasonry - A Pastoral Guide for Christian Ministers
Living in Love and Faith. A Biblical response
Living in Love and Faith. A Concise Introduction & Review
To Tell the Truth. Basic Questions and Best Explanations.
What does the Bible really say? Addressing Revisionist Arguments on Sexuality..
'Doubt not... But Earnestly Believe' A Fresh look at the BCP Baptism Service
Pilgrims and Exiles. Leaving the Church of England in the age of the Mayflower
Building Multi-Racial Churches New Edition
A Basic Christian Primer on Sex, Marriage and Family life
Thomas Cranmer. Using the Bible to Evangelize the Nation
Focus on Jesus. A Guide to the Message of Handel's 'Messiah'
Come, let us sing. A call to musical reformation.
The Anglican Ordinal. Gospel Priorities for Church of England Ministry