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Please help us to continue resourcing the Anglican church with publications, research and grants.


Over the last few years the ministry of the Latimer Trust has managed to publish useful resources at economic prices for the Global Anglican Community. We have also awarded several grants for PhD theological students, an example of this can be found here.


During the turbulent times we are experiencing in the Anglican world and specially in the Church of England we have also made it possible to download a few manuscripts for free.


We continue to support the work of research fellows who contribute with  books, articles, podcasts, blogs and teaching in the UK and beyond. They are also active participants of different committees, safeguarding the orthodoxy of Anglican Christianity. To find more about them click here.


We would love to continue doing this and expand our reach even more. Will you prayerfully partner with us and help us keep our ministry going? 


Please give online by pressing this button.  


If you are a UK taxpayer and would like us to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation please fill in the form.


Or you can also support us each time you shop online, through certain retailers by creating an account through easyfundraising.


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