The Ascension of Christ
The Ascension of Christ into Heaven is clearly affirmed by all the Creeds. Christ’s heavenly ministry is an orthodox truth affirmed by the church, an evangelical truth attested by the Scriptures and a devotional truth expressed in Anglican the worship and liturgy.
In this short book Ed Moll surveys the New Testament teaching about the Ascension of Christ in order to give the reader confidence that this is indeed a biblical doctrine and that it can and must be proclaimed by expository preaching.
He also shows how Christ’s being seated in Heaven is embedded into the worshipping life of the Anglican Church through its Formularies, the Book of Common Prayer, the 39 Articles of Religion and the Ordinal. A final section gives pointers to teaching the Ascension through expository preaching.
Author: Ed Moll
ED MOLL is vicar of St George’s Church Wembdon in Somerset. He is a trustee of Latimer Trust and is involved with training ministers through Langham Preaching and on the South West Gospel Partnership’s Ministry Training course. He is married to Christa and they have two adult children
ISBN & Pages
978 1 916834 10 1 | 115 pages