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Too Big for Words: The Transcendence of God and Finite Human Speech

Too Big for Words: The Transcendence of God and Finite Human Speech

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£1.00Sale Price

If we claim to speak of God, do we know what we are talking about? How much are the limitations of language a barrier - or is it wrong even to make the attempt?


This helpful booklet approaches the question from a variety of angles, firstly by examining the case for reticence when it comes to human language as it is presented by a genuine, highly intelligent and articulate contemporary exponent. It then explores briefly some of the likely streams of thought in the background as these arguments are presented and identifies some of the legitimate concerns of this approach before focusing these questions more sharply upon the Scriptures themselves.


The final and most important discussion is a reflection upon the reasons for confidence in the propriety of human language when it comes to speaking about God and his purposes.


It concludes that because God has made himself known in human language and in the person of his Son, silence is not so much a way of honouring the majesty of God as a way of evading it.

  • Author

    Mark Thompson

  • Info

    ISBN: 978 0 946307 57 9

    68 pages

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