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The Ascension of Christ
Deep Roots - A beginners Guide to the Doctrine of the CofE
Scarf or Stole at Ordination? A Plea for the Evangelical Conscience
The Anglican Ordinal. Gospel Priorities for Church of England Ministry
Preaching: A Guidebook for Beginners
True Devotion: In Search of Authentic Spirituality
Ministry Under the Microscope
'Tend My Sheep': The word of God and pastoral ministry
Anglican Foundations Series
The Thirty-Nine Articles: Their Place and Use Today
On Being the Patient People of God
Evangelicals before Evangelicalism
The Person of Christ - God with us
Unity and Truth
Deaconess Margaret Rodgers. A woman in a man's world
Thomas Cranmer -'Of Faith in the Holy Trinity'
Living in a Multiverse - A Guide for Christians
By love to them, I cease loving of thee. Michael Wigglesworth
In Search of a Perfect Father - The Beauty of the Doctrine of God
The Church's One Foundation - What orthodoxy means and why it matters
Spiritual Practices of the Puritans
The Development of the Canons.
Defend, O Lord - Confirmation according to the Book of Common Prayer
Biblical Bishops. James Ussher's Defence and Reform of Anglican Polity
Christianity and Craft Freemasonry - A Pastoral Guide for Christian Ministers
Too Big for Words: The Transcendence of God and Finite Human Speech
Thomas Cranmer. Using the Bible to Evangelize the Nation
'Doubt not... But Earnestly Believe' A Fresh look at the BCP Baptism Service
A Basic Christian Primer on Sex, Marriage and Family life
What does the Bible really say? Addressing Revisionist Arguments on Sexuality..
Come, let us sing. A call to musical reformation.
Resilience: A Spiritual Project
Remember Your Leaders: Principles and Priorities for Leaders from Hebrews 13
Transgender Liturgies
A Better Vision
Thinking Aloud: Responding to the Contemporary Debate about Marriage, Sexuality
Homosexuals in the Christian Fellowship
Lex Orandi Lex Credendi
Creation, Cross and Everlasting rest.
Anglican Foundations
Sure and Certain Hope: Death and Burial
Instruction in the Way of the Lord: A Guide to the Cathechism
Till Death Us Do Part: "The Solemnization of Matrimony"
A Fruitful Exhortation: A Guide to the Homilies
The Faith We Confess: An Exposition of the 39 Articles
Divine Allurement: Cranmer's Comfortable Words
Day By Day:The Rhythm of the Bible in the Book of Common Prayer
Dearly Beloved: Building God's People through Morning and Evening Prayer
The 'Very Pure Word of God'
Spells, Sorcerers and Spirits: Magic and the Occult in the Bible
Light From Dark Ages? An Evangelical Critique of Celtic Spirituality
A Critique of Spirituality
Howard and Dorothy Mowll - Global Anglican Pioneers
From Barebones to Old Bones. John St Nicholas (1604-1698)
Reformation Anglicanism. Essays on Edwardian Evangelicalism
Pilgrims and Exiles. Leaving the Church of England in the age of the Mayflower
The Athanasian Creed
St Antholin Bundle
Toxic and Intoxicating
Ours is a True Church of God